Our challenge is this:
we will match your current cleaning services’ pricing for the first two months.
We guarantee that our processes and systematic approach to cleaning will result in a consistently cleaner environment.
When we have surpassed your expectations for a clean office – and we will – you agree to take on Henderson Total Maintenance Ltd. as your new cleaning service for a further 10 months.
All new customers will also receive up to 25% off their new service agreements and their first week is free when they do.
Now go ask your current cleaning service provider these three simple questions to see how they handle them.
1) Do they have industry-specific certified training for all employees with certificates of success?
Some firms use “shadow” training, where employees are trained on the job by someone else on their crew. Lack of actual sit-down classroom training leads to making the “same mistakes” over and over again as bad habits are taught. We provide classroom training through 12 specific courses, ensuring that delivery of cleaning services is based on industry standards.
2) Do they utilize industry standard recognized time and motion work loading tables that are accurate for time on site costs and quoting?
Hit and miss time frames used to create quotes based on “other locations” leave too many variables to chance, resulting in shortcuts to make up for errors which ultimately leads to client dissatisfaction. We provide a full scope of work based on your needs and wants, specific to each and every area. These specifications detail the time and motion needed to perform all work correctly, thereby providing a proper cost analysis and avoiding cost overruns or shortcuts to bring about client satisfaction.
3) Do they perform regularly scheduled facility / office quality control inspections to constantly monitor when and if corrective actions are required?
We can’t be everywhere all the time, but if you constantly get voice mail when attempting to contact your current cleaner about an issue, there’s a reason things are building up. Our inspections are performed on a regularly scheduled basis that guarantees our staff are able to deliver the quality you are looking for. We leave nothing to chance.
Contact Henderson Total Maintenance today for a cleaner, worry-free tomorrow.
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